Companion Driving Services
After School Activities & Sports

Make transporting your children to their after-school and sports activities easy with your local Freedom Driver.

After School Activities & Sports2022-11-14T10:27:41+13:00

Transport for after-school activities and sports

We know how difficult it can be to juggle all the transport needs your family often requires.  You may need to take one child to ballet, another to football, and another somewhere else.  This can be tricky for busy parents and caregivers, but Freedom Companion Driving Services offers the perfect solution.

Your local Freedom Companion Driver can collect your children from school and take them to their after-school activities as required – or even just take them home.

Safety is our top priority at Freedom Companion Driving Services.  Your local Freedom Companion Driver will take your children to their destination and stay with them until they are safely in the care of someone you trust.

We don’t just drop your children off outside their destination, but instead we’ll make sure they are taken to the right place and handed over to a specific person – exactly how you would if you were driving them yourself.

If you’re interested to meet your local Freedom Companion Driver and see how they can help, get in touch with them today.

Transport you can trust

Freedom Companion Driving offers a personal, caring, reliable (and often cheaper) alternative to taxis. You can trust our drivers to get you where you’re going, and provide extra support at either end of the journey.

Wayne, Gulf Harbour2022-10-26T10:31:40+13:00
Lesley & Laurel M. Tauranga2022-10-26T10:31:55+13:00
Cheryl, Red Beach2022-10-26T10:32:10+13:00
Chaoda, Epsom2022-10-26T10:32:28+13:00
Ededrie Winwood2022-10-26T11:00:03+13:00
Emily Muir2022-11-08T08:02:51+13:00
June Gooch, Te Atatu Peninsula2022-11-08T08:04:47+13:00
A Martin2022-11-08T08:05:02+13:00
Trish, Social Worker2022-11-08T08:05:14+13:00
Ross and Margaret Waugh2022-11-08T08:06:15+13:00
Dianna Stallinger2022-11-08T08:07:56+13:00
Mark Richards2022-11-08T08:08:14+13:00